PHAA Support Group Listing

Adams County
Christiana Homeschool Academy (Northern Maryland and Southern Pennsylvania) -- contact Catherine Milstead ( This co-op provides two day a week classroom instruction and support for the remaining days at home. After school activities, field trips and clubs are also offered.
Classical Conversations of New Oxford -- contact Carrie Grassmyer ( Our three curriculum programs (for ages 4 - 18)meet weekly to support your home-centered classical education. The Math, Science, English, Latin, History, Geography and Fine Arts studied in our Foundations Program (ages 4-12) represent a broad and fascinating body of information. Our Essentials Program (grades 4 and up) help students work toward mastering English language skills and improving their writing technique.As students move into our Challenge Program (middle and high school levels), they work toward becoming independent learners as they read, discuss, debate, analyze, and write about award- winning literature and additional subjects including Latin, Science and Math(always within the framework of history and a biblical worldview).
FACE Co-op -- contact Vice-President Cindy Fodor ( We are a weekly academic co-op (offering 3 one- hour classes) that meets on Thursdays from September through April. Classes are for grades 3- 12. 2nd grade down has classes available for siblings of registered students. One parent/legal guardian per family is required to register to teach and assist. Mom´s night out, science & geography fairs, safety, health and nutrition days, etc. are offered throughout the year in addition to the weekly co-op meetings.
HSBulletinBoard -- contact Liz Rohler ( This is an information loop for homeschool families in Adams County and the surrounding area. The purpose of this group is to share information that is relevant to homeschoolers in the area.
Allegheny County
Children´s Music Academy of Greater Pittsburgh (31 Donati Road, Bethel Park, 15241) -- contact Martina Caruso ( ). We offer group, parent-child-based music lessons to children, ages 3-9. Our curriculum focuses on a holistic approach to music and ear training. Families do it all - piano, singing, guitar, recorder, theory in a fun, family-based setting. We are open to forming education and enrichment partnerships with local programs and schools. We’d also like to extend an offer for you to join us for Field Trip opportunities this School Year. If interested, I’ll work with you to customize a Music Education Field Trip that integrates with your current curriculum. 412-385-5160
Alle_kiskichristianhomeschoolers (Alle-Kiski) -- contact Jamie Zemann ( We have weekly meetings. We meet at the park in good weather or at church in rain or cold. We have monthly field trips as well. We welcome new home school families or people that have been doing it for years, even cyber schooled are welcome. All family members are welcome at meetings. We have everything from infants to older teens.
Family Instructors of the North Suburbs (FINS) (Allegheny County, Butler County, and Beaver County) -- contact (). We are a Christ-centered group of home educators who wish to support and encourage one another. We are an inclusive group and invite all to participate. We do not charge a membership fee. We sponsor events, activities, and field trips as well as answer questions and provide other helpful information. We believe a support group should be more than just an email list.
North Hills Christian Homeschoolers (northern suburbs of Pittsburgh) -- contact ( The North Hills Christian Homeschoolers is an organization of Christians in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who are personally committed to the home education of their children. For more information, please check out website at
North Pittsburgh Catholic Homeschoolers (Northern Suburbs of Pittsburgh PA) -- contact Jennifer ( We are a Catholic Homeschool Support Group in the northern suburbs of Pittsburgh.
PALS Enrichment (Western PA) -- contact Holly Schnur ( PALS is a secular, parent-run homeschool group for families with children ages 4 to 18. We are a diverse community that offers support and friendship, and draws on the strengths of participating parents and families. We welcome families with all learning styles, including cyber, traditional homeschoolers, unschoolers, or eclectic.
Pittsburgh Area Homeschoolers (Pennsylvania) -- contact Jessica Hollis ( The group offers a supportive community, resources and events for homeschoolers and those who are preparing to homeschool. We welcome all families with children of all ages, living in the Pittsburgh Area or will be moving to the area soon.
Armstrong County
Harvest Community Homeschoolers -- contact Stephanie Burton ( We are a Christian homeschool co-op and support group, meeting for field trips, parent support and educational activities for homeschool families. Our home-base is Harvest Community Church in Kittanning, PA, although we are not a ministry of the church. We offer different levels of involvement so that families may choose...
Beaver County
Beaver County Homeschool Support Group (Beaver County and surrounding areas) -- contact Mary Zobrak ( We are a Christian Support Group available for any homeschooling family in Beaver County, PA or any surrounding county if interested. Mission Statement: Our purpose is to support, equip, and encourage all families in the home-school community. Our prayer is to bring honor and glory, in all we do, to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Plants and Pillars Co-op -- contact ( Plants and Pillars is a Christian co-op for families in Beaver and surrounding counties. We meet each Monday during the school year for classes, support, and extracurricular activities. We also provided athletics for students in 3rd through 12th grade.
Salt and Light (Tri-state) -- contact Jean Vander Plaats ( or Jean VanderPlaats (). Salt and Light is a non-denominational Christian cooperative, which is located in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. We are comprised of approximately forty-five families that meet together during the school year to share and enhance our children´s homeschooling experience. Our class selection differs each year, with classes being offered for preschool through high school levels. Parents and children alike take an active role in making Salt and Light an atmosphere where learning is encouraged.
Bedford County
Bedford County Christian Home Educators (Pennsylvania) -- contact Michael & Laura Musser ( Membership-based group of about 15 evangelical families. Family fellowships, newsletter, field trips, monthly co-op school, education fair.
Berks County
Beacon (christian) -- contact Marie Ruoss ( Beacon is a Christian group that meets the first and third Thursdays for speakers and classes for the students. A parent must stay with his/her child(ren) and help with the group in some way. The goal of the group is to provide additional experiences for the students as well as opportunities for friendships for both the students and parents. Other activities include Mom´s Night Out, field trips, field day, closing program, etc.
Explorers Homeschool Co-Op (Reading area) -- contact Beth ( We are a Charlotte Mason-inspired, secular co-op. The purpose of our co-op is to engage in regular nature exploration, outdoor play, and social interaction. We are seeking highly committed members to build lasting bonds with. Ideal for elementary age children, siblings welcome.
Classical Conversations of Fleetwood (Fleetwood, Kutztown, Allentown, Reading) -- contact Nan Kanagy ( We are a Homeschooling group that meets on Wednesdays near Fleetwood and follows the Classical Conversations curriculum! ( We have a Foundations program for ages 4 to 13 and a complete Language Arts class called Essentials for ages 9 to 13. Join us if you are interested in a Christian, Classical Education with awesome Community!
Kardia Learning Center (Berks and Lancaster) -- contact Jackie Breneman ( Kardia Learning Center (KLC) is a community of Christian home- schooling families pursuing the common goal of Classical Christian education. To this end, KLC exists to equip home-educated students with critical thinking skills and a broad base of knowledge essential for effective, Christ-centered living. Classical Christian Co-Op meets 28 weeks per year on Thursdays 8:30-2:30pm. Nursery through 12th. Check out our website at
Southern Berks Homeschoolers -- contact Sally Wetzel ( A biannual newsletter is mailed to members informing them of activities in Berks County and surrounding areas. Several field trips are organized and open to members. Anyone/group may submit field trips they are organizing by August 15 and January 15.
Blair County (Blair County area) -- contact Lois Kaneshiki ( We are an email discussion, support, organization and announcement list to facilitate communication amongst Blair County area home learning families.
Bradford County
S.C.H.E.W.L. -- contact Kendra Dreps ( Supporting Christian Home Education With Love is a parents-as-teachers support group in Bradford and Tioga Counties. Its goal is to encourage and assist those who have chosen to educate their children at home. Anyone is invited to join. Coordinators and officers accede to a statement of faith. SCHEWL offers a variety of activities planned and executed by its members, such as parent meetings, field trips, fitness activities, and special classes. A promotion ceremony is held at the end of each year. Families belonging to SCHEWL are encouraged in their homeschooling task with prayer, sharing of materials, help in complying with the law, and working with local school districts.
Bucks County
Pennridge Homeschoolers -- contact Cyndy Dumire ( field trips, ski trips, support, bowling league for all ages
TGIFF - The Goal is Forming Friendships (Mid to Lower Bucks) -- contact Stevi Wright ( or Wendy Coyne ( TGIFF is an eclectic, inclusive & highly active group of homeschooling families based out of Lower- Mid Bucks County, PA. We seek to create life-long friendships, a sense of community, and a support system for new and experienced homeschoolers. The only requirement for joining the group is PARTICIPATION, so please bring your enthusiasm, ideas and humor with you!
Butler County
Butler Home Education Network (Butler county and surrounding areas) -- contact Rebecca Wassam ( We are an inclusive (secular) network of homeschooling families in and around Butler, PA. We host field trips, parties, special events and a fall and spring co-op in downtown Butler. We have a closed facebook group for networking and event rsvp. Find us at Butler Home Education Network (BHEN) on facebook. Please provide us with a brief message on why you are interested in joining our page.
Classical Conversations in Cranberry -- contact Julie ( We believe that children are a gift from the Lord and that parents are their children´s best teachers. If you would like to know more about teaching your children using the classical method, or if you have already begun homeschooling in the Cranberry area and would like to become a part of a community where everyone is using the same curriculum and are encouraging each other weekly, please contact me or visit
Classical Conversations Valencia (Butler County) -- contact Cecilia Tomko ( Classical Conversations is a once a week program for ages 4-18 where trained, prepared tutors lead students, but parents remain the primary teachers. Materials are presented from a Christian worldview in a fun, engaging environment. For ages 4-12, tutors lead in foundational memory work for geography, science, English grammar, Latin, history, and math. In addition, we do art lessons and science experiments and memorize a timeline together. For ages 9-12, students can also engage in a phenomonal Essentials of the English Language and Excellence in Writing Program. Ages 12 and up can participate in the Challenge Program, which equips young people to think logically, write and speak persuasively, research topics and present ideas from a wide range of topics. Directors help point students to the integration of science, history, math, philosophy, and literature, while also pointing students to the plumb line of God’s Word.
Sky´s The Limit Homeschool Coop -- contact Brandi Craig ( or Tabatha Singer ( We are an inclusive homeschool group offering classes, Fieldtrip and enrichment activities in 2 different Butler County locations
Cambria County
Cameron County
Carbon County
Centre County
Happy Valley Homeschoolers -- contact Laura Liermann ( This email list serves as a venue for direct member-to-member communication about local homeschooling information, events, and field trip planning. We are a diverse and inclusive group who share the common goal of increasing support and opportunities for Central Pennsylvania homeschool families.
Chester County
Classical Civitas -- contact Dawn Gross ( We are a local, classical, Christian, homeschool co-op that supports homeschooling families by providing hands-on academic classes once a week using the classical approach and from a Biblical worldview, educational field trips, clubs, and social gatherings for both students and parents. Our goal is to help our students thrive in their academics as well as their spiritual walk. We serve families in the Delaware and Chester counties, as well as in Delaware across the state line.
Classical Conversations of Newtown Square -- contact Lori Herson (). We meet weekly to help homeschoolers pursue a classical Christian education at home. Our grammar students are introduced to new memory work weekly in History, English, Geography, Latin, Science, and Math. They also receive instruction in fine arts, perform science projects, and perform weekly presentations. Older grammar students learn writing and the application of English grammar. We hope to equip and encourage parents in providing their children with the Tools of Learning. Our mission is "to know God and make Him known".
SALT (Southeastern PA) -- contact Linda Lam ( Weekly classes for homeschoolers gr. 1-8 meet Wednesdays at Church of the Saviour in Wayne. Students enjoy morning art, gym, and music/theater classes as well as other activities and field trips. Parent participation is not required. The SALT program runs in tandem with PEPPER & SALTeens. We also offer standardized testing in January and sponsor an annual book sale in March. This is a Christian program open to all. SALT will not meet this fall (2020).
Clarion County
Clarion County HomeSchoolers -- contact Michelle Forsythe ( A Christ-centered cooperative where homeschoolers serve one another in Clarion and cross counties. We are homeschooling families choosing to join together with other homeschooling families to help meet each other´s homeschooling needs. We are a support group that seeks to work together in unity and promote biblical worldview, Christian principles and godly character in our children. Our goals include educational opportunities that are difficult, impossible or not cost effective to do at home as well as help parents learn the art of homeschooling. With your involvement in a "team" approach, CCHS works to provide: Monthly co-op classes for elementary and secondary students;Parent Support Meetings; Field trips; Performance and Speech opportunities; Monthly newsletter; Automated Phone Tree for up to the minute messages; Continuing education for parents; nursery; preschool classes; Graduation Ceremony.
Clearfield County
CACHET (Clearfield and surrounding area) -- contact Tammy Witherite ( We are the Clearfield Area Christian Home Educators Team. Currently we are a group of about 40 families, with approximately 20 families regularly involved in weekly activities. We have a weekly Friday afternoon gym class from 1-2 at the Bigler YMCA for all ages of students (split into several groups). Each month we focus on a different sport or skill. Also, for six weeks each fall and spring, a content-area co-op class is offered for students. Topics have included science, art, music, and geography in the past, with classes taught by parent volunteers or local professionals in a chosen subject area. Parent meetings are held once a month. Each year we have several field trip opportunities, an opening family picnic, Christmas caroling to a local nursing home, an annual Academic Fair, and a year-end trip to DelGrosso´s Amusement Park. Opportunities are provided several times a year for moms and/or moms & dads to socialize and support one another. Come and join us!
Clinton County
Keystone Homeschool Group (Lock Haven Area) -- contact Dominique Miller ( or Janelle Forsythe ( We are a diverse group of homeschoolers in the Lock Haven, PA area. We offer regular outings, co-op sessions, enrichment classes and fellowship. Contact us via email today for more information!
Jersey Shore Home School Association (Central PA) -- contact Coordinator ( contact JSHA Coordinator ( The Jersey Shore Homeschool Association is located in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. The association is founded on Christian faith and principals, and is open to all local homeschoolers. The JSHA community of homeschooling families typically offers two 10-week sessions each year: Sept - Nov and Feb - April. Co Op is one day a week, typically on Friday, from 8:45am until noon. Classes are taught by parents and area subject- matter experts. Classes are offered for PreK - Highschool, with nursery for younger children. There is a fee to participate, attendance and participation by parents required. The Association also offers field trips, social activities, mom´s support groups, and family- centric functions. Join us on our facebook community at Jersey Shore Homeschool Association (JSHA)
Columbia County
Common Ground Homeschool Group of the Central Susquehanna Valley (Columbia, Montour counties | Bloomsburg | Berwick | Danville | Lewisburg | and surrounding areas) -- contact Carlyn McKee ( ). Coordinate and share the journey of homeschooling in the Bloomsburg, Danville, Lewisburg, Berwick and surrounding areas of Pennsylvania. Welcoming of all ages, styles, experience, secularism and faith; Common Ground Homeschool Group of the Central Susquehanna Valley.
SHEEP (Susquehanna Home Education Enrichment Program (Columbia) -- contact ( Our Christian group meets twice monthly from October through April for enrichment classes and socialization. Field trips scheduled periodically. Applications accepted in May and new applicant deadline is July 1 of every year.
Crawford County
Cumberland County
Agape Christian Homeschool Association (Northen York, Cumberland, Perry, Dauphin Counties) -- contact Becky Schreiber ( We are a body of homeschoolers from various Christian traditions, believing in one triune God the Father, His Son and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are comfortable praying together, discussing God, and sharing Bible stories and verses. As parents, we prayerfully and gladly accept the responsibility of educating our children. Our instruction reflects a Christian worldview solidly rooted in the Holy Bible.Our organization meets weekly at a local church in Mechanicsburg (for safety purposes please contact us for more information). We provide classes for nursery-grade 12. The school year is broken into 2 semesters with both enrichment and academic classes offered, as well as credit options for high school students.
Classical Conversations of Grantham -- contact Amanda Jodon ( or Valerie Miller ( Have you ever wondered why classical education has been developing strong leaders and thinkers for so many centuries? It is tailor-made for harnessing the power of how students learn best at each level of their development. Classical Conversations has made this time-tested educational process do-able with a thoughtfully crafted curriculum and a community to support you along the way. The Grantham community offers Foundations (age 4-11), Essentials (grades 3-6)and now has a Challenge A class (age 12+) that will will meet weekly to discuss Geography, Latin, Logic, Math, Writing, and Research together in Christian community with the support of a tutor to draw out understanding through the power of thoughtful dialogue. You as the parent will maintain full supervision of your student´s education. Join us!
Harrisburg Area Homeschoolers Association -- contact Beth Mellot ( or Theresa Fowler ( "Our ministry is to support the homeschooling community surrounding Harrisburg, PA in multiple ways. These include field trips and learning opportunities for students, workshops for parents, social events for the entire family and advertising opportunities for area businesses."
West Shore Christian Educational Co-op (Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and York Counties). WSCEC is an enrichment co-op for grades K-12. We also offer nursery and preschool. We meet on alternate Wednesdays for 7 sessions in the fall and 7 sessions in the spring for three 55 minute periods each session. Our parents teach a class, assist in a class and have off for a third period; and help in an additional, non-teaching capacity as well. We offer a wide variety of classes from reading, writing and arithmetic to knitting and volleyball. Class options can change each semester. We meet At Christian Life Assembly Church in Camp Hill.
Dauphin County
STARS -- contact Mindy May ( STARS is a Christian co-op that meets twice a month on Fridays in the Colonial Park area. We have 7-8 regular sessions each semester. Additionally, we have a Safety Day in the spring and a Christmas Performance in the Fall. At the end of the school year we hold our Fine Arts Festival, where students have the opportunity to perform or present in front of an audience. There is also a display area for such things as art and science projects, reports, and non-speaking presentations. We have God-centered classes in elementary, middle school, and high school, according to the current needs of our families and availability of teachers. There is a nursery class and a pre-school class as well. Classes are selected during the summer meetings. We have a members-only web site where information, class syllabi and homework, pictures, and prayer requests can be posted, protected from the general public.
West Shore Christian Educational Co-op -- contact Jessica Rolf ( WSCEC is an enrichment co-op for grades K-12. We also offer nursery and preschool. We meet on alternate Thursdays for 7 sessions in the fall and 7 sessions in the spring for three 55 minute periods each session. Our parents teach a class, assist in a class and have off for a third period; and help in an additional, non-teaching capacity as well. We offer a wide variety of classes from reading, writing and arithmetic to knitting and volleyball. Class options can change each semester. We meet At Christian Life Assembly Church in Camp Hill.
Delaware County
Claritas Classical Academy -- contact Alison Valentine ( Claritas Classical Academy (Delaware, Chester, Montgomery) -- contact Alison Valentine ( Claritas is a homeschool hybrid program meeting two days per week in Bryn Mawr, PA. Claritas. This comprehensive program serves Philadelphia-area homeschool families and their pre-K through high school students with its Christ-centered, classical curriculum. For more information please contact Alison Valentine at or visit our website:
Classical Civitas (Delaware & Chester Counties) -- contact Dawn Gross ( or Stephanie Prazenica ( We are a local, classical, Christian, homeschool co-op that supports homeschooling families by providing student classes, parent educational development, and hands-on learning and socialization through play dates, field trips, and parent nights-out. Our community uses a shared curriculum, and our classes meet once a week to help hone the academic skills needed with peers and develop long-lasting relationships.
Delco-Homeschool (Delaware County and surrounding areas.) -- contact Pauline Harding ( Delco-Homeschool (Delaware County) -- contact Pauline Harding ( A free, e-mail "virtual support group" for homeschoolers in Delaware County to post information about upcoming events, opportunities, and concerns in our area. The group is open to all, regardless of educational philosophy or religious beliefs. All posts relating to homeschooling are welcome, with the understanding that each family will take what they like and leave the rest. We have about 500 members, and average 2-3 e-mails per day. Check us out at or subscribe to the group by sending a blank email to
Open Connections (Pennsylvania) -- contact Sarah Becker ( At Open Connections we empower young people and adults to create the life they want, full of purpose and fulfillment. We do this by offering programs that nurture Intrapersonal (I), Interpersonal (We), and Impersonal (It) skills through a variety of activities. When people leave Open Connections we hope that they are knowledgeable and confident in who they are; able to communicate their needs and wishes, and hear the needs and wishes of others, in a respectful and effective way; and prepared to tackle life’s challenges and opportunities using both creative and critical thinking skills. If this resonates with you, please consider joining us!
Elk County
Erie County
The Classical Christian Community of Erie -- contact Erin Brazofsky ( The Classical Christian Community of Erie (The C3E) is a classical education co-op for students in K4 through 12th grade. We offer a strong, Christ- centered, academic program with enrichment classes in the arts, as well as field trips and community outreach programs.
The Classical Christian Community of Erie (Northwest PA) -- contact Desiree Vorel ( The C3E is a classical education co-op for students in K4 through 12th grade. We offer a strong academic program with enrichment classes in the arts, as well as field trips and community outreach programs.
Erie County Homeschool News (Erie County, NW PA) -- contact Juliane Szubinski ( or David Bates ( The Erie County Homeschool Newsletter connects NW PA homeschoolers with local and regional homeschooling events, HSLDA updates, interesting websites, articles for sale, free/low cost community events, testing information, and student writing contests. The newsletter is sent monthly from August through May (10 issues) via email or snail mail. Student submissions to the editor are encouraged.
Homeschooling Connections of Erie, Pa (Erie County, Pa) -- contact Karen Weaver - Jayme Young ( Welcome to Homeschooling Connections of Erie, PA. Our group includes traditional homeschoolers, cyber schoolers, installers, and everything in between. We are an active group that hosts, classes, field trips, holiday parties, dances, monthly social gatherings, special events, and many other opportunities for local homeschoolers.
Fayette County
Freedom Homeschoolers of SWPA (SWPA) -- contact Tami (). Freedom Homeschoolers is a homeschool group in Fayette County. You can find plenty of interaction online with us (find us on facebook) and the opportunities for regular meetups in Fayette and surrounding counties. FH of SWPA is committed to helping to build confidence in new homeschoolers in our state by helping families learn and understand the PA Homeschool Law. The group has laid-back meetups where community can be found with like minded people. Find us today and see if we´re a good fit for your family!
Liberty Home Educators (LHE) -- contact Tami (). (Fayette County and Surrounding Areas) -- Find us on facebook!! LHE is a Christian homeschool support group dedicated to the local homeschool community in Fayette County Pa and surrounding counties. LHE offers regular meetups throughout the year as well as field trips. Request to join our facebook page where we offer online support as well as keeping our members updated on different activities and meetings that we offer.
Forest County
Franklin County
Chambersburg Classical Conversations (Chambersburg ) -- contact Jennifer Ritchie ( or Kirsten Harteis ( Classical Conversations seeks to walk alongside home educating parents, redeeming the education of two generations. Our three curriculum programs, Foundations, Essentials and Challenge (for ages 4 - 18)meet weekly to support your home-centered classical education. We endeavor to instill a love of learning in each soul through Grammar Skills, Dialectic Skills and Rhetorical Skills. The Math, Science, English, Latin, History, Geography and Fine Arts studied in our Foundations Program (ages 4-12) represent a broad and fascinating body of information. Our Essentials Program (grades 4 and up) help students work toward mastering English language skills, math skills and improving their writing technique.As students move into our Challenge Program (middle and high school levels), they work toward becoming independent learners as they read, discuss, debate, analyze, and write about award- winning literature and additional subjects including Latin, Science and Math(always within the framework of history and a biblical worldview). Classical Conversations is a rigorous academic program with trained tutors supporting parents in their education needs. Parents are ALWAYS the teachers.
Mason Dixon Homeschoolers Association -- contact ( Mason Dixon Homeschoolers Association is located in the Waynesboro/Chambersbug area and serves families in South Central PA and Washington County, Maryland. Our support group assists homeschoolers by offering co-op classes, field trips, activities, a newsletter and much more.
Franklin & Cumberland County, PA Secular Homeschoolers (Franklin County and Cumberland County, PA) -- contact (). The support group is for local secular homeschoolers. The group also hosts meet-ups, activities, and field trips.
Potomac Home Learning Circle (South Central PA) -- contact Tara Petite ( We are a cooperative learning community, welcoming families of all beliefs and experiences. We are a group of families working together to make homeschooling our children a rewarding and communal experience. Our group is secular, meaning we are not faith-based, and are all-inclusive. We hope to attract open-minded individuals seeking a progressive environment in which to grow and learn with our children, as well as, create lasting friendships.
Fulton County
CHET (Christian Home Educator´s Team) (Southern Fulton School District) -- contact Norma Jean Hohman ( Currently we have no group meetings, but I´d be happy to assist people in my county.
Greene County
Huntingdon County
Indiana County
Jefferson County
Juniata County
Juniata County Christian Homeschoolers (Juniata, Perry, Mifflin & Snyder Counties) -- contact Mary Eck ( The group currently has a membership of over 40 families. Annual events include social activities; spelling bee; science fair; Christmas musical; a 6 week Educational co-operative; high school educational co-operative classes; monthly gym classes for all ages and more. Group has operated since 1995.
Lackawanna County
Lancaster County
CHALC (Coalition of Homeschoolers Across Lancaster County) -- contact CHALC ( An umbrella coalition of approx. 30 Lancaster County member support groups, CHALC publishes the county-wide newsletter "Scrawls" and hosts events such as support group leader breakfasts and a graduation ceremony. See
Classical Conversations, Elizabethtown (Northwest Lancaster County) -- contact Jana MacKay ( Classical Conversations is a worldwide classical, Christian home school organization that seeks to equip parents and students to use the classical tools of learning to hone students’ academic skills of recitation, logical thinking, and persuasive rhetoric. Parents also find support, encouragement, friendship and community through our weekly meetings. Trained tutors lead weekly classes for ages 4- through 12-year-olds in memorization and review, hands-on fine arts, hands-on science, and student presentations. An afternoon class for 9 through 12-year-olds provides intensive English grammar and writing instruction. Contact us for more information about Challenge classes for 7th-12th grades.
Classical Conversations Ephrata Community (Lancaster/Ephrata) -- contact June Bogle ( We are a Christian base homeschool community. Our mission is to know God and make Him know. Our purpose is to equip and train students with the classical tools of learning with a Christ-centered curriculum. We meet once a week for 24 weeks throughout the school year for our Foundations and Essentials program, 30 weeks per year for our Challenge programs. The community is a group of like minded families who come together to fellowship and support each other in homeschooling.
The Kelly School (Elizabethtown) -- contact Mary Dodds ( The Kelly School is a private Christian school offering part time options to homeschoolers. We have an educational specialist offering tutoring for dyslexia and dyscalculia. We offer all classes required by state law for K-12th grades.
Learning Station -- contact ( Learning Station supports homeschool families by providing a cooperative learning environment in which students develop academically and socially in a Christian community. Learning Station meets at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church in Lititz, PA. Classes meet on Wednesdays. Co-op track is open to families with students from infant through 12th grade, while upper-level only track is open to students in 7th through 12th grade. To learn more about Learning Station, visit our website (
Lititz Home Educators (LHE) -- contact: ( Lititz Home Educators (LHE) is a Christian field trip community that is open to any home-schooling or cyber-schooling family from the Lancaster area. LHE is a unique alternative to a weekly co-op. It allows you to be connected to other homeschoolers without a weekly time commitment and many members use it in addition to a typical co-op as it provides enrichment opportunities that you can pick and choose from that interest your family and suit your schedule. Our dedicated group of families connect by supporting each other on our journeys, fostering friendships among the children and nurturing connections between families by experiencing life and lessons together. Our group is founded on Jesus’ example of servanthood, and every LHE family contributes by hosting an activity such as a field trip, a class, a show- and-tell, a park day, a mother´s gathering or an experience that brings joy to your family and that you would want to share with ours. Many of our activities occur in the northern and eastern areas of Lancaster County, but LHE welcomes families from anywhere. Membership in LHE offers the benefits of asking questions from seasoned homeschooling families, finding resources, buying/selling/borrowing, and discovering opportunities. Please consider gathering with us for encouragement and to strengthen connections.
Susquehanna Homeschoolers -- contact ( Open minded group from K-12. We are a loosely knit community offering support in secular education. Organized science classes, learning fairs and field trips throughout the year. Open to homeschoolers of all faiths and styles. The mission is to engage kids in a creative life and to stimulate the love of learning through our community.
Lawrence County
Western Pennsylvania Christian Home Educators (Western PA) -- contact Joann Curran ( We have no formal membership but are unashamedly Christian. We offer monthly meetings during the school year as well as field trips, activities, and a well-attended Gym & Swim program at the New Castle YMCA. We plan our year at a Parents´ Planning Meeting in May or June and parents volunteer to lead the meetings or arrange the field trips. We have a yearbook put together by students, a Facebook site, and an e-mail list to keep our group in the loop.
Lebanon County
C.E.E.K. (Christians Educating Extraordinary Kids) pronounced as "seek" (Lebanon County & surrounding counties) -- contact Gloria ( We are a christian homeschool support group that believes that all kids are gifted with special talents & abilities but do not all learn in the same ways (methods). We support families of all homeschool teaching methods, take field trips, free activites & sports, social event gatherings, community outreach opportunities, optional distant travel trips homeschool ed related, annual rollerskating party, indoor sporting/game events during the fall/winter season, periodic classes for homeschoolers and many more options. Our membership is very affordable with many free extra´s included and memberships are accepted all year long. Email us to request being added to our mailing list & to recd a link to our website/webpage.
Lebanon County Homeschool Community (Lebanon County) -- contact Amber Grimes ( The Lebanon County, PA Homeschool Community Group is a social media group that seeks to support local homeschool families (families from surrounding counties welcome as well!) ~ This is a secular (all religions welcome!), free space (no membership fees!) to simply create connections, plan field trips / hikes / play dates, & chat with other local homeschool families!!
Myerstown Enrichment Center -- contact Reni Weixler ( Founded in 1995, MEC offers a Christ-centered environment for homeschool families. Our co-op provides weekly classes from Nursery through 12th grade. The high school courses are designed to be a full year of academic course work. Field trips are open to all homeschool families in the area. Sign-up for the IOWA achievement tests is in January. Contact us if you would like to be on our mailing lists for upcoming field trips and events or have questions about homeschooling.
Lehigh County
Classical Conversations Lehigh Valley Community -- Becky Smith ( We meet weekly for 24 weeks in Center Valley, PA. Children from Pre-K to approximately 6th grade may join our dynamic Foundations classes where they learn facts using two or more learning styles from six core subjects, practice presentation skills, do hands-on science projects, and work on art and music projects. Our Essentials program teaches 4th-6th graders the tools of learning in English grammar, writing, and math drills.
EtCH Emmaus Christian Homeschool Co-op -- contact Kerri Goodman ( EtCH is a Christian homeschool cooperative that meets on the first and third Wednesday morning of each month for enrichment classes, as well as field trip and social experiences. EtCH provides a welcoming place for students to come together to build relationships while engaging in exciting and creative activities. EtCH is a place where students and parents will find friendship, support and encouragement. We desire to be a co-op where you can know others as well as be known.
Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative -- contact ( Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative (Located in Allentown, PA and serving families from Warren County, NJ, Bucks, Berks, Lehigh, and Northampton Counties) -- take a look at our website FAQS . Contact us at Excelsior Homeschool Cooperative, Est. in 2007 and located in Allentown, PA, is a Christ-centered community of families who strive to serve one another in educating our children for the glory of God. Excelsior offers a full range of topics and activities with the goal of maturing our members in Christ-likeness and cultivating productive servants for the advancement of God’s kingdom. In addition to academic and enrichment opportunities for the whole family on Fridays, we have a variety of social events throughout the school year which include a Back to School Night, Field Trips, Formal, Closing Program, and Graduation Ceremony for Excelsior Seniors.
Lehigh Valley Homeschoolers Field Trip Group (Lehigh Valley County) -- contact Monica Tyler (nikatyler@msn,com). This group is a NEW group that was created by a homeschooling family for other families that homeschool in the Lehigh Valley County, PA. The mission of this group is to provide the families with educational as well as social activities that the families can safely participate in. These activities are organized by the groups members. This group does not have a school affiliation and it does not have a religious affiliation. All religions and forms of homeschooling are welcomed and respected.
Providence Hybrid Academy (Lehigh Valley) -- contact Rebecca Foley ( or Angie Wakeman (). We are a Charlotte Mason inspired nonprofit combining the best of homeschooling with the best of private schooling. Students Kindergarten-2nd grade attend class on Thursdays and Fridays (drop-off) at our campus in Hellertown from 9:30-3:30 for a full range of subjects including Bible, Spanish, Art and Composer study, Reading, Writing, Math, Living History, and Nature Study. Classes are short and hands-on as much as possible, and we prioritize outdoor play and multiple recesses (especially our Kindergarten, which is play-based). Experienced teachers support parents in ´home´ work done the remaining days of the week. Home days focus mainly on reinforcing and practicing the core academics such as math, writing, and reading while leaving plenty of freedom in the children´s schedules. Our goal is to meet the needs of parents who want a middle ground between full-time homeschool and full-time school. Check out our site and email us for more information!
Luzerne County
NEPA Homeschoolers (Wilkes Barre/Scranton area) -- contact Sharon Konnick ( We provide parent support, field trip opportunities, and socialization for students. We are open to any parents who want to contribute setting up field trip and meet-up opportunities.
Lycoming County
Jersey Shore Homeschool Association (Central Pennsylvania) -- contact JSHA Coordinator ( The Jersey Shore Homeschool Association is located in Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. The association is founded on Christian faith and principals, and is open to all local homeschoolers. The JSHA community of homeschooling families typically offers two 10-week sessions each year: Sept - Nov and Feb - April. Co Op is one day a week, typically on Friday, from 8:45am until noon. Classes are taught by parents and area subject- matter experts. Classes are offered for PreK - Highschool, with nursery for younger children. There is a fee to participate, attendance and participation by parents required. The Association also offers field trips, social activities, mom´s support groups, and family- centric functions. Join us on our facebook community at Jersey Shore Homeschool Association (JSHA)
McKean County
C.H.A.O.S. / 4H (McKean County) -- contact Naomi Raught ( We are the Christian Homeschoolers Association Of Smethport. We are also a McKean County 4 H group. Our group is open to families in and around the Smethport, PA area. We are always looking for more members. We meet as able, for learning and fun with each other. We also have field trips. We are willing to join with other groups to cut expenses for trips and would love to network with you and your group. We now have a facebook page.(CHAOS4H)If you would be interested in this page, please leave send a message on facebook to the administrator. Thanks for your interest.
Mercer County
Mifflin County
Mifflin County Christian Homeschoolers -- contact Tiffany Erhard ( We are a Christian homeschool group in Mifflin County. We get together for field trips, winter gym January-March, a father daughter banquet, homemakers´ club, science night, speech/project/history night, international food and night. We also have a yearbook committee, end of the year homeschool family picnic that recognizes seniors graduating, a "back to homeschool" night, monthly newsletters, and moms´ nights out. This group is open to all homeschool and cyber school families in the Mifflin County area. We would love to have you join us for fellowship, learning, and support!
Monroe County
Blue Ridge Homeschool Group. We welcome people of all school philosophies. There is optional attendance for all programs, and no group fees other than costs of field trips, materials, etc. We welcome families with students of any age, and our members use a variety of homeschooling approaches and styles. We meet in Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County, PA.
Classical Christian Co-op Nazareth (Poconos, Windgap, Nazareth) -- contact Judy Surrette ( or Lisa Jenkins ( Classical Christian Co-op (Nazareth): We are a group of homeschool families gathering together for the purpose of educating and encouraging our children in the process of, "learning how to learn". We follow the classical approach to education, which coincides with the natural developmental stages of learning that occurs within each child. Believing that "knowing Christ is the greatest of all wisdom", we faithfully trust Christ is the center of all creation and connector of all subjects. We meet on Tuesdays from 9am to 3pm, first day of class for 2020-2021 school year is 9/8/2020, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Road, Nazareth, PA. 18064
Legacy Homeschoolers ( Long Pond, Mount Pocono, Stroudsburg, Tannersville and Surrounding Areas ) -- contact ( We are a support group for black homeschool families. Our goal is to community, belonging, and relationship for black homeschooled children and their parents, and other homeschool families who share this vision. The group meets for enrichment activities, field trips, indoor activities, play dates, family events, educational "road trips," and Moms Nights Out. Activities are determined based on the needs and desires of the group with each family having opportunities to plan events. We serve homeschool families with children in K through 12th grade. While our group base is Monroe county, you do not have to be a resident of Monroe county to participate.
Montgomery County
Brennan Family Classroom -- contact Lenora Brennan ( An independent family educational support group to home school families and other home school support groups. Many services available, ie.. study groups, classes, fieldtrips, penpal, reading & art clubs, music & more!
Classical Conversations: Willow Grove Community -- contact Mirta Tenni-Atreides ( Challenge A program open for enrollment. The goal of Classical Conversations is to develop life-long skills of learning through parental leadership; to discover unifying principles within a variety of disciplines; to discuss issues from a biblical worldview within an academic community with the purpose of cultivating wisdom and virtue. Subjects are integrated around universal themes and ideas while compared with a biblical world- view. Our Challenge programs provide classical, Christian community for homeschool families with students in 7th-12th grades. The Challenge programs typically meet once a week for fifteen weeks in the fall and fifteen weeks in the winter/spring months. Challenge A seeks to introduce middle school students to the rigorous course work of the Challenge Program. It is a mix of grammar, dialectic materials, and an introduction to basic rhetoric. We purposefully limit the amount of reading to give students time to work on their writing skills. The Challenge A program is less demanding than later Challenges, yet it bridges students from the earlier parent/tutor-directed Foundations level to a more self-directed and fulfilling level of learning.
Davisville Home School Co-Op (Bucks, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties) -- contact Jess Mort ( We meet at Davisville Church in Southampton on Tuesday mornings from 9:15am - 1:45pm. (10 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring - actual times may vary slightly). There are no co-op classes on the 4th Tuesday of every month, throughout active semesters. We offer classes for children from pre-k up to 10th grade, who may participate in gym, along with various subject classes. Field trips are also organized throughout the semester. Nursery care is available for the littles under age 3. The members of the co-op teach or co-teach the classes. Generally speaking, new parents are not asked to teach during their first semester.
Norristown to Collegeville Homeschoolers (Facebook group) (Norristown, Eagleville, Trooper, Collegeville, Audubon) -- contact (). This is a facebook group for families homeschooling in the areas of West Norriton, Trooper, Eagleville, Audubon, and Collegeville. The facebook group exists to connect homeschooling families to others living locally to each other.
Plymouth Meeting Classical Conversations -- contact Denee Voluntad ( The Plymouth Meeting campus is an intimate group of home schooling families. We welcome new families that are interested in pursuing a Classical Christian Education. Our mission is "to know God and make Him known". Our grammar stage classes cover memory work, fine arts, science project, and presentations. Older grammar students learn writing and English grammar. We hope to equip and encourage parents in giving their children the Tools of Learning. We strive to help homeschoolers pursue a classical Christian education at home.
Sola Gratia Musicians (Bucks and Montgomery Counties) -- contact Janice Firth ( Sola Gratia Musicians, Inc. (SGM) is a Christian educational organization offering musical training and choral experience to home–educated students. 100+ students. Founded in 2006.
Southeastern PA Homeschool Group -- contact Julie ( This group is a home on the web for home educating families in the Southeastern PA counties. There will be activities posted weekly that you can take advantage of. Meet members, have fun and create memories!! Visit our site and join in the fun!
Veritas Homeschool Community (Bucks, Montgomery counties) -- contact Janet Dudek ( VHC meets on Tuesdays in Souderton for middle and high school classes. Classes are offered "a la carte" and currently include 4 different science classes with lab, Spanish I and II, Writing I and II, art and worldview. There are 4 class periods in our day, which starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:00. This is a drop-off program.
Montour County
Northampton County
JBY Academy (Lehigh Valley) -- contact Mrs. Reynolds-Clarke ( JBY Academy is a new homeschool group infused with the performing and creative arts. We serve families in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania; which includes the cities of Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton. Plus, surrounding areas. JBY Academy provides affordable and engaging hybrid classes for students Pre-K to 12th grade in subjects such as: math, reading, writing, science, history and social studies. JBY Academy also offers fun and interactive performing arts classes in acting and singing. As well as, creative arts classes in filmmaking, photography and writing. JBY Academy is designed with diversity in mind. The group fosters a sense of inclusion and celebrates diversity through events and activities that will help children learn about and explore various cultures. JBY Academy meetups are infused with the creative arts to help students enhance and enjoy the learning experience. JBY Academy is rooted in spiritual principles and guided by faith- based core values. JBY Academy strives to bring forth harmony and unity to the homeschool community at large. There´s something for every homeschooler; including, in-person meetups, field trips, performances, hybrid classes, and an after-school program. JBY Academy started in 2013 as a division of the mentoring, production and training organization Just Be You Performing Arts. Visit the website for more details on how to join JBY Academy. Let´s have fun as we learn and create together.
Pchec -- contact Sue ( or Sue ( Meet Tues for Biology, Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Spanish, Art, USHistory, English Lit, World Lit, Sew, Cooking, and more
Northumberland County
Perry County
Perry County Homeschoolers (Central PA - Perry, Juniata, Snyder, Mifflin, Dauphin, Northumberland, and Cumberland Counties) -- contact Diamond Rae Hile ( We are a Christian, non-profit, volunteer ministry committed to giving information, guidance, support and encouragement to homeschooling families in Perry County and surrounding counties. We believe God, in His Word, has given parents the authority and responsibility to educate their children in a godly manner. We seek to nurture each parent and child within the group and without. While we do not require that members be Christians, members should be respectful of our Christian Beliefs. Members receive access to: *Field trips *HSLDA yearly discount *Social events for the whole family *25% discount on Masterbooks products when you order through our group two times each year.*Access to directory listing homeschooling families in your area *Monthly Mom´s, Elementary, and Teen meetings. *Free table at our yearly Homeschool Used book and Curriculum Sale/Fundraiser. *Free listing on the PCHS website for any businesses that are owned by homeschool families. *Multiple Community Service activities, including those helping homeschool families in need.*Password protected members only access to our website that includes the following benefits: -Online event registration with a confirmation and reminder -Free forum posting of curriculum, books, and any miscellaneous items you have for sale/ISO/free -Regular access to homeschool resources, special offers, and product sales.
West Shore Christian Educational Co-op -- contact Jessica Rolf ( WSCEC is an enrichment co-op for grades K-12. We also offer nursery and preschool. We meet on alternate Thursdays for 7 sessions in the fall and 7 sessions in the spring for three 55 minute periods each session. Our parents teach a class, assist in a class and have off for a third period; and help in an additional, non-teaching capacity as well. We offer a wide variety of classes from reading, writing and arithmetic to knitting and volleyball. Class options can change each semester. We meet At Christian Life Assembly Church in Camp Hill.
Philadelphia County -- contact Hannah Mackay ( is an intentional community supporting unschooling families and homeschooling families practicing self-directed education. Our goal is to help make PA homeschool law simple and straightforward for families, and we love supporting families who are transitioning to unschooling. We offer homeschool paperwork support, special education coaching (learning objective approvals), homeschool/unschool coaching, transcript and diploma support, k-12 homeschool evaluations, as well as other offerings for young people and families. Many of our services are available virtually, so we can support families across PA.
Eclectic Learning Network -- contact Maleka Diggs ( A secular, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) centered network; dedicated to providing resources, trainings, and workshops to families and learning spaces that shift ways toward learning as a lifestyle and partnership-based relationships through unschooling and self-directed learning approaches.
Mt. Airy Homeschooling Co-op. We are a group of homeschooling and unschooling families from the Philadelphia area working together to provide a gathering place for our children to engage in learning and social opportunities. Our mission is to provide a quality diverse, secular, and inclusive environment in which children are nurtured while engaging in classes and activities in a climate of mutual respect.
Talking Stick Learning Center (Philadelphia). Talking Stick Learning Center is a non-profit educational initiative that offers homeschoolers an environment in which to explore, collaborate, and create. Located at Awbury Arboretum in Mt Airy, Talking Stick classes for young people ages 4-17 organically help foster essential life skills such as decision making, creative problem solving, communication, self-management, and critical thinking.
Pike County
LEAP Homeschool Co-Op ((Matamoras and Milford area) -- contact Dawn Clark ( We are a homeschool co-op on the boarder of NY, NJ and PA. Our program uses local churches both in NY and PA. We meet every Friday for enrichment and academic classes. Classes are designed for preschool through high school. They include hands on sciences, writing workshops, 4H club, music, art, PE, and drama club just to name a few. Field trips, community service projects, National Spelling Bee and Geography Bee tournaments, Science/History Fairs, Stanford Achievement Testing (SAT) and an Annual Parent Support Dinner are also a part of our group. Please visit our website for more info.
Potter County
Schuylkill County
Snyder County
Susquehanna Valley Homeschoolers -- contact Melissa Dillman ( We are serving all areas in & around Snyder county to support home educators. We have co-ops; field trips; parent support; links and info to community activities. Please visit our blog at
Somerset County
Somerset Christian Home Educators -- contact Melissa Sanner ( Monthly Support Group Meeting for moms, Fall and Spring eight week co-op sessions, Various field trips and activities
Johnstown Area Christian Homeschoolers (Somerset and Cambria Counties) -- contact Pat Carr ( Formerly Johnstown Christian Homeschoolers. Designed as a place to help all families with support and co-op opportunities.
Sullivan County
Susquehanna County
Susquehanna County Homeschoolers -- contact D Benjamin ( This is a small but growing group for all types of homeschoolers you may join at
Tioga County
ENRICH -- contact Al and Sharon Quimby ( ENRICH offers a variety of activities organized by parent member-volunteers: Parent meetings, field trips, encouragement and regulation information, annual standardized testing, year-end member promotion & graduation ceremony.
Union County
Christian Home Educators´ Fellowship of the Susquehanna Valley (CHEF) (Union, Northumberland, and surrounding counties) -- contact Lisa Snyder ( or Chris Mast ( The purpose of CHEF of the Susquehanna Valley is to provide information, inspiration, and support to homeschool families. We have a wide range of opportunities including co-op and other classes, field trips, social activities, and physical activities.
Venango County
Warren County
Warren County Homeschoolers -- contact Robyn Samuelson ( Warren County Homeschoolers - We are a group of parents who get together to support and encourage each other. We have field trips, spelling bee, project fair, swim class, parent´s mtgs, a monthly newsletter blog of activities and more. Email us for more info!
Washington County
Love First Homeschool Inc. (Pennsylvania) -- contact Melody Gowman ( We are an organization of homeschooling families who gathers with each other to give our children opportunities to engage in academic and social learning with each other. We meet weekly on Monday where our children have classes determined and designed by the families who attend. The year is divided into two semesters. Classes can be set up as a semester class or year long class. We have classes for preschool, age 4, through 12th grade. This organization has an all-hands-on-deck approach. Parents will either teach or help with classes. We also have a nursery for siblings for babies through age 3.
A One-Room Schoolhouse (Southwest PA) -- contact Genevieve Peterson ( A One-Room Schoolhouse is a hybrid homeschool academy working to build faith, knowledge, and character. Students enjoy the flexibility of attending our drop-off program anywhere from one to five days a week. Parents find support in navigating the homeschool world and in providing a high-quality education to their children in grades K through twelve. Our goal at A One-Room Schoolhouse is to create a flexible, rigorous, individualized, and comprehensive educational environment that reflects the counsel of Paul to learn and teach those things that are pure, lovely, virtuous, and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8) We aspire to be an edifying classroom environment with the expertise of professional teachers to support all families seeking after these educational values in their homeschool endeavors.
Wayne County
Westmoreland County
Arts in Unison (Westmoreland & Fayette Counties) -- contact Melissa Lough ( Arts in Unison is a Christian theatre group for homeschoolers. For more information, visit
Laurel Mountain Classical Academy -- contact ( Group is located in Latrobe,Pa., meeting September-May on Mondays and Wednesdays for academic classes for grades 1-12.
LMCA (Greensburg) -- contact Jessica Krom ( We offer classes two days per week to homeschooled students in grades 1 to 11 (12th grade added in 2017). Current offerings include: IEW writing, history, science, art, Latin, Civics. Our website is:
Westmoreland County Homeschoolers -- contact Christopher McQueen ( We are a group of homeschoolers that get together informally for activities for the kids. Activities include holiday parties, informal get togethers at local parks, and field trips to educational sites. All methods of homeschooling are welcome (homeschoolers, cyberschoolers, unschoolers). This is not a religious-based group. We have 2 goals of this group: to provide socialization for our children through playtime and social activities, and to provide socialization to parents who find it difficult to get out of the home without their children for "parent only" meetings.
Wyoming County
York County
FACE Co-op (York and Adams Counties) -- contact Suanna Myers ( or Becky Fleming ( We meet from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Thursday in Hanover, PA from September through the end of April. We offer three (1) hour class periods on co-op days plus field trips, science and International Day fairs, Mom´s Night Out events, and various other activities. Classes are high school level down through Kindergarten. Pre-school and nursery classes are available for siblings of registered students. Various core subjects and electives are offered.
New Horizons Homeschool Group (NHHG) (Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, and York counties) -- contact Sarah Weiser ( NHHG is a parent-led co-op offering academic and elective classes for middle school and high school students, as well as an enrichment program for elementary. We are located in Dillsburg, PA.
Social Home Educators of York -- contact Kim Kucherer (
West Shore Christian Educational Co-op (Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and York Counties) -- WSCEC is an enrichment co-op for grades K-12. We also offer nursery and preschool. We meet on alternate Wednesdays for 7 sessions in the fall and 7 sessions in the spring for three 55 minute periods each session. Our parents teach a class, assist in a class and have off for a third period; and help in an additional, non-teaching capacity as well. We offer a wide variety of classes from reading, writing and arithmetic to knitting and volleyball. Class options can change each semester. We meet At Christian Life Assembly Church in Camp Hill.
York Homeschool Association (YHSA) -- contact Dawn Meeks ( We are a Christian Homeschool support group offering encouragement and enrichment to current and prospective Homeschool families. We offer a large assortment of seminars, support groups, enrichment activities, small groups, dances, events, and more.
State Wide Support Groups
AP Homeschoolers (world-wide) --contact Susan Richman ( or Howard Richman ( At Pennsylvania Homeschoolers AP Online we offer three kinds of courses:
- AP Courses. Advanced Placement (AP) classes online to homeschooled students worldwide.
- Honors Courses. These classes prepare students to participate in AP classes in the future.
- Summer Enrichment These online classes range from college application essay prep to a class on learning to bird.
Eagle Mom Squad -- contact Edy Sarnoff ( or Julie Abell ( or Ann DePaulis ( We are a group of homeschool parents and teens based in Pennsylvania. Because we noticed an increased interest in homeschooling from parents during the current Covid-19 pandemic, we seek to provide support, educational supplements and information about homeschooling to curious parents and students during this crisis and beyond.In addition our videos, podcasts, blogs, resources, and services can help current homeschoolers.